
Sonntag, 10. Dezember 2017

Day 56: The end of the world...

Yesterday I walked through Ushuaia a little and visited the museum. Funny story, the thing with Ushuaia. The Argentinians asked themselves what they could do with people whom they didn't like. So they looked around at what the French did (French-Guyana) and the English (Australia). So they thought by themselves: "You know what? We have this little piece of land way down south and don't know what to do with it... Let's open a prison colony." This is how this place came to be and the prison is now the museum.
In the harbour there are all those ships going to Antarctica..

I'm surprised that they aren't afraid to fall off the edge... Magellan surely had his doubts, at least with his charts...

But if you take a closer look you can see that it's almost all land at the edge. So it's really not that dangerous. They even have a post office here. On the door is a sign which reads : "Open every day, 9:00-17:00". Apparently today wasn't every day or they have a different understanding of that term than I do...

That in the background must be the edge, at least according to Magellans charts...
There are beautiful trails along the coast and you can watch cormorants and geese. And as is propper, they show up in pairs. The dudes in white and the dudettes in muted colors...

For a change there are strange fungi on the trees. And if you're unlucky then they fall on your head...

And then I really was at the end... At least as far as the roads are concerned.

So this is actually the beginning or the end of the Panamericana. It's really not that far to Alaska, only 17,848 km direct. Piece of cake...

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